Thursday, May 20, 2010

Top 10 Air Travel Myths Debunked

# 1  Airlines will compensate you if they are responsible for your flight cancellation
 False.  Ah, the golden "Rule 240" and its mythical prowess.  Many airline customers think that their overpriced ticket will get them in Wonka's factory when the stuff hits the fan, but the fact of the matter is, its just a piece of paper.  Good luck with accommodations for the evening too, folks, because I'm here to tell you that you ought to get comfy in that chair smothered in beer farts at the terminal.  In the event your flight is canceled until the next day, most airlines won't even think about putting you up in some fancier digs, but it may be worth it to inquire.  Most airline companies will provide you with airport food vouchers, but even they are severely outmatched by vendors.  
# 2  In conjunction with Myth # 1, Airlines will book you on the next flight out.
 How bout, NO.  You will get re-booked, however, don't count on it being the next flight to your final destination.  For that matter, don't even count on it being on the same airline.  Your seat will be on the next AVAILABLE flight out.  This means the next flight out with an open seat.  I hope your destination is not so popular that you will find yourself dealing with the problems associated with this. (see Myth # 1)  You might try a sob story to get out sooner, but plan on spending the first night of your honeymoon watching CNN next to the phone charging station with 50 of your closest friends.
# 3 Your connection will wait if your first plane is delayed.
 No way.  At any of the airports mentioned in my previous blog?  Lets hope you get to your connection on time, because we wouldn't want to make all the stand-by passengers happy now would we?  That's right, your seat will be given away to the standby customer who bought a ticket and paid extra to get home faster should you not make your connection on time.  And you'll get nowhere with your argument.  Trust me, just take the next flight because you're not getting anything for this one.
# 5 You will be informed in advance if the airline is unable to get your flight off in time.
 Nope.  If your flight was delayed/canceled prior to checking in, there is no guarantee that you'll get a phone call informing you of their plight.  Most likely you won't even know about it when you check in online either.  The best way to know your flight status is to check it yourself or hire a travel agent.  This will save you hours of your life.
# 6 You can sit with your family members if you book as a group. 
 Wrong.  While your brother Tony is sitting in 9E, you wind up all the way by the latrine, which by the way has a terrible odor emanating out from it.  Try sitting in the seat next to him and offering your ticket to the unlucky passenger who is supposed to be sitting there?  I don't recommend it, because first of all, it is rude.  Second, some people pick their seats.  Most of these people have status with the airline, which means that they fly a lot, and they won't be likely to give up that seat that they selected.  Never assume that you are more important than someone else when you want something that's theirs.  It's better to ask an agent prior to boarding, but I don't think you will get very far there either.
# 7 If you check in late, but still before the 45 minute window, your baggage will make it to your final destination.
 Maybe.  I feel it's worthy to mention something about checking in close to the 45 minute cutoff.  If you have bags, most airlines will let you check in up to 45 minutes prior.  It is supposed to be a cushion to get your bags on-board.  Don't count on it happening every time if you make it a habit of checking in late.  It is actually better to check in closer to the hour and a half range to guarantee that your bags make it where they are going, though even that is not a guarantee that they wont be lost in the process.
# 8 Using your cellular phone during takeoff and landing will cause electrical disturbances to the planes navigation equipment.
 Not gonna happen.  Stop watching Dateline and hanging out with your pal Chicken Little.  Instead, turn on Myth Busters and watch a live debunking of this myth.  Airlines want you to keep off your phone so you can rack up charges on their built in phones.  Why do you think they make a different head phone jack?  That'll be eight dollars please.
# 9 Re-circulated cabin air is more likely to make you sick.
 I don't buy it.  First of all, there is a nifty combatant for this called Airborne.  Its a dissolvable tablet you can toss in your in-flight water that helps fend of infection.  Aside from that, you are more likely to get sick from the germs in and around the airport/plane than from the air inside it.  A 1000 passenger wide study was conducted by the University of California shows that recirculated air does not make passengers sick.  Feel safer?  Just stay out of the latrine.
#10 Your odds of upgrade increase if you ask at the gate.
 Not unless you have status.  Attention self-important people, there is a list of upgrades which follows a very specific order.  Put on your smile and schmooze a bit, but just because you lobby with the gate agent does not mean you will even make the top 5 members on the upgrade list.  Especially because you probably bought the cheapest ticket available.  A generality: Status first, then the order is most expensive ticket to least.  Period. 

Please do not take my word for it.  I encourage you all to go out and try to beat the airlines, because I can't think of another industry that takes no responsibility for their falters.
Any questions or comments? We'd like to hear from you.